Butterfly in Stomach ivory-white coloured laser cut card


SKU: CW5008
Availability: In Stock

If you have swoony sensations for an upcoming celebrant occasion or just thinking of someone or some special moment, we have you covered with our beautiful Butterfly in Stomach laser cut card.


Celebrant occasions often give swoony sensations and are popularly known as the butterfly in stomach sensations.

Precious moments of life always call for precious things, even the piece of stationery that goes as an invitation to all guests. Or when you want to say Thank You but have a butterfly in the stomach, you can speak out your feelings through this butterfly card.

The card has a double door front open panel with flowers cut out to depict a garden. Each flower has been pleasantly carved out and can be clearly defined. We could have coloured the garden beautifully, but we chose to go for the white. So, that you can paint your rainbow butterfly in the most powerful and vibrant colour.

Just put the prism of your emotions through the words you put in the content, and you’ll see the colours splashing on the card brightening up the garden and your guest’s heart and day. The butterfly that connects the floral ingress is the most valuable addition on the card.

The whole card has been designed on high-quality cardstock paper and comes encased in a specially designed similar envelope with a sealing sticker.



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